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Saturday, October 07, 2006

It's Saturday Morning, Citizen SHoPpers!!!

Will hold off on a review of The Departed for right now, in lieu of some action in the SixHertz House of Sport. Watching Newsradio right now, gonna watch the St. Louis Cardinals sweep the San Diego Padres in a bit. Finish up my laundry, eventually head over to the Cal-Oregon game. Wasn't supposed to go, but my friend had an extra ticket so now i get to go and watch #11 Oregon play #16 Cal. Good shit.

But first, some chat...

there were alot of orientals @ the movie last night
9:05 AM
TioJaime: yo!
Rafterman: yo!
Rafterman: did you get a ticket for today's game?
TioJaime: i might have a ticket to Cal-Oregon!
Rafterman: NICE!!!
TioJaime: but i may have already promised to watch with kasha
TioJaime: gotta call her to find out
Rafterman: alright
TioJaime: and if i used the ticket, i'd have to sit w/band friends for a bit...
Rafterman: you should go
Rafterman: if you can
TioJaime: i'll just wait until the frat boys and sorority skanks around you guys leave early to go to Raleigh's
TioJaime: oh dude, go watch The Departed
Rafterman: I'll give em a gamecube and some natty ice
Rafterman: they can play amongst themselves
TioJaime: oh bro! that'd be SWEET
Rafterman: yeah, the Departed looks good
TioJaime: i watched some more of those videos from the bro rape guys...
Rafterman: I want to see the original too
TioJaime: they're pretty good
Rafterman: the Departed is based on this hong kong movie called "Infernal Affairs"
TioJaime: ya
Rafterman: supposed to be good
TioJaime: there were alot of orientals @ the movie last night
Rafterman: haha

orientals, and women who go "awwww" when beloved characters die. That's fucking annoying. Back to the football.

go bells!
9:15 AM
Rafterman: wow, minnesota lost in three straight games
Rafterman: go bells!

The astute Citizen SHoPper will know that one SHoP Overlord went to Bellarmine Prep, and another SHoP Overlord (or Overlady) went to the school that lost to Bellarmine.

oh dude, go bells!
TioJaime: brb laundry
9:20 AM
Rafterman: this guy pisses me off, but he's kind of right
9:25 AM
TioJaime: ya
TioJaime: the one comment there seems to be some disgruntled SJSU kid
TioJaime: oh dude, go bells!

I just finally got around to reading the article about the Bellarmine/Mitty game. Who won that now? I forget... any idea, Local Area Blog/Internet Admin SixHertz?

And if my memory serves me correctly, Bill Frist's bill doesn't become law until President Bush signs it, according to those groovy Satur-dee morning cartoon PSAs. So here, I'm betting against my alma mater. I still want us to win, but by no more than 5.

And wonderful. The Cardinals/Padres game is on ESPN2, and Tio Jaime dun't get that channel.

Watching Terminator 2 again, gonna work out.

Tio Jaime
Commissioner, SHoP Department of Recreational Sport (Non-nude)

ps- one of my favorite lines from the movie...
John Connor: Jesus, you were gonna kill that guy!
T-800: Of course. I'm a Terminator.