Wednesday, August 30, 2006


My work buddy Engineer Mark is an interesting case study. Two unprecedented SHoP details: 1) he's the only one of my peers to out-Catholic me, and 2) he's the only person on the SHoP who beats me out for the <font color=red>. Go check out some old posts. See who I was chatting with and determine which of us was more red statey.

(It's completely subject to the interpretation of Your Favorite SHoP Overlord, so there may be disagreements as to the relative levels of redness. If you're lucky enough to be a SHoP Overlord, you might be able to change my font colors just to fuck with me. Good luck on that though.)

We were just talking about regular guy stuff. Baseball, welding quality control... boobs.

I like her boobs.
TioJaime: I like her boobs.
EngineerMark: You know, she's probably not gonna let you see them...
TioJaime: That's OK I still like them.

Which is odd, because I'm not a boob guy. I like legs. And glasses. And USAF uniforms. And resemblances to Sarah Clarke as NINA MYERS.

Oh, and that post with the burberry stockings? Also a product of Engineer Mark.

Who, Citizen SHoPpers, seemed not to be completely sold by my justification for the boobies. I tried a different tact, which to be perfectly frank, knocked it out of the park.

(Oh, uncool. Now I think I have to fill space to get that Sarah Clarke pic out of the way of my tables. Well, let's just take the time to say that Waitress-Chick doesn't share my appreciation for Sarah Clarke. If you go to her myspace page I've listed my Top Five. Lately I've been thinking of a Top Five which has an express purpose of annoying Waitress-Chick. Unfortunately, I forgot who else I would've put there.)

I see where this is going...
TioJaime: You love Jesus, don't you?
EngineerMark: I see where this is going...
TioJaime: Right. So you love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but have you ever seen him?
EngineerMark: I think I'm a bad influence on you.

That's a bad sign too. Normally, I'm the bad influence on my friends. It's nice to know that there are dudes out there who are a) more Catholic, b) more conservative, and c) more perverted than I am. Even worse, Engineer Mark has seemed to appoint himself my moral compass, or to borrow some CalTrans terminology, my Moral QA Inspector.

Well what with engineering references sprinkled throughout this lunchbreak post, I think that's a sign that I need to get back to work.

all my love,
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith

ps- if you're concerned that yours are the boobs to which we were referring, don't worry, they're not. But how modest of you that you can equate your mammaries to the Son of Man.