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Monday, May 08, 2006


The Purswader
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Yes, the Mossberg 500 Persuader is an actual model, I've just now found out. It's somewhat unfortunate that the nickname I've given to mine sounds exactly alike.

The Purswader (note the spelling) is an allusion to Titus. In the episode "The Protector", you'll see that he has burned the name of his bat onto the barrel-- Purswader.

Hilarity ensues in the television show, now available on DVD. Confusion ensues in the SHoP, as Tio Jaime is too lazy/stubborn to choose a new nickname.

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Christopher Titus's Purswader

Check out Mossberg's website. It appears to have been revamped over this last weekend. There, you can see pics of the actual Persuaders