Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Raiders of the Hidden Temple

Haven't gotten up this early since my GC days, but here i am, mouth listerined and teeth brushed since i obviously didn't do it last night.

<dream category="weird">
Had a weird dream. I was a contestant on Legends of the Hidden Temple. With some black chick. Who wasn't quite pulling her weight on the trivia, but then again, who can compared to Tio Jaime. Yeah, that's right.

Would've been cool, but as we got closer and closer to the host upstage, I realized that this wasn't the original set of the Nickelodeon game show. Nowadays, there seemed to be some swanky San Francisco bar right behind the host, complete with two drunk oriental chicks. The bar had some nice top shelf stuff.

Go check out that wikipedia entry on LotHT. Somebody had a lot of free time, it looks like. Check out all of the inane trivia and stats about the game. And some people...

excerpt from wikipedia entry on LotHT
The Green Monkeys had a member named Gator in one episode, the Mussellshell Armor of Apanupac. As expected by someone with this name, Gator easily completed the temple without the help of his teammate.

...can't seem to get over the time they were on Legends and completed the temple without relying on that hump of a teammate. Seriously. Who but this Gator choadstain wrote that? You think it's bad that I have such a hard-on for my time with Bellarmine's Speech & Debate team? That's nothing compared to this one time, where this guy named Gator found the missing armor of Apanupac and just barely made it out of the temple!!! Dude!

And check out the t-shirts at the bottom of the wikipedia page. You too can have a replica t-shirt from the Red Jaguars, Blue Barracudas, Green Monkeys, Orange Iguanas, Purple Parrots, or Silver Snakes.