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Friday, September 24, 2004


The only thing worse than a bleeding-heart, irrational Democrat who plans on voting for my Republican candidate's opponent is an ignorant, uninformed voter.

OK that's not true, as the one thing worse than the latter is somebody who tries to get large numbers of the latter out to the polls. If you cared enough about the political process to get people involved, you should know that casual voters are missing the point of this democracy-thang about which we've all heard so much.

And Holy Crap in a Pita, I realize that I'm a rabid Republican, probably one of the most rabid you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting, but *NEVER* tell me that you're voting in the next election "to cancel out my vote." Even if you're attempting to be funny, there's still a degree of truth in that. You too are destroying that democracy-thang. Along with what little respect I had for you in the first place.

What the F is wrong with literacy tests for voting? Does this not weed out all non-hackers who do not possess the mental fortitude that make the Republic an effective tool for governing the Great Unwashed?

Those Not Possessing the Mental Fortitude:
1) People who cannot grasp the simple concept that tax cuts *create* revenue,
2) People who find it unfair that the rich, who pay a mindboggling majority of the tax revenue, receive bigger tax cuts,
3) People who think that George W. Bush is to blame for economic woes and recession that started mere weeks into his presidency, well before he attempted to tinker with the budget,
4) People who think that the government knows better than they do how to spend their hard-earned money,
5) People who lack the perspective to realize that animals cannot vote, cannot hold jobs, cannot pay taxes, cannot understand right from wrong, are not endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, and are, all things considered, merely animals,
6) People who, in addition with disagreeing with what I have to say, will conveniently forget to defend to the death my right to say it, and
7) Pretty much anybody who has ever thought, "Yeah, Hillary Clinton deserves my vote."

I'm gonna save this Hillary Clinton thing for another day, because it's been welling up for quite some time now, and I really have to finish my work here so I can at the very least go bowling with the boys tonight. Ideally, I'm going to try to fit in a Drink with Phoenix too, but that's looking somewhat bleak.

Suffice it to say, Hillary Clinton never ran for public office before her Senate bid, and as such has no prior accountability. Not that accountability has ever stopped Democrats before.

Go read that comic again. Laugh because it's funny, then cry because it's true (sorry to rip shit from Ray Romano). And then think about your lot in life that allows you the privilege of being able to laugh at your unfortunate brethren.

Ooh, another group of Those Not Possessing the Mental Fortitude!!!

8) People who cannot accept that life is, at times, unfair.

Enough for now,
Tio Jaime

pps- Yeah, i'm ripping that shit off of Michael Savage too. In my defense, I was listening to him before anybody you know did, when he was local out here in KSFO country.
ppps- I'm still here @ work. Fuck my poo.