Is anyone aware of the idiocy of the UN Chief, Kofi Annan, and the comment he made yesterday?
You idiot, Kofi! What possible good does saying such a thing now do for Iraq? You already got your sorry ass out of there last year, so the UN already lost all credibility in the Middle East.Speaking to the BBC on Wednesday, Annan said the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq was illegal as it violated the U.N. Charter.
Asked whether he thought it broke international law, Annan said: "Yes, if you wish. I have indicated it was not in conformity with the U.N. Charter from our point of view, from the chapter point of view, it was illegal."
He and most all of the UN are suffering from a severe case of "League of Nations Syndrome", where the symptoms included are the insane beliefs that: harsh rhetoric can solve all the worlds' problems; wearing a peace dove on your lapel will automagically bring peace and harmony to the world and strike fear in the hearts of terrorists; and that nations no longer have the right to defend themselves against real, viable threats after already having been attacked by a vicious enemy who is pathologically committed to an insane cause and don't give a damn about what you have to say.
Today's problems require serious solutions, and the threat has been ignored for far too long. In November, I hope this nation sends a collective "F*** you" to the rest of the world by re-electing our courageous president.