Thursday, December 28, 2006

And after all that, I still can't think of a post title...

Here ya go. Some politics for you. Although it's not so much right wing SHoPping as it is Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith just sniping stupid things some politician said and did as well as the stupid things journalists will put into print and try to pass off as news.

Edwards launches bid for U.S. presidency - Yahoo! News

And no, don't try to turn the tables here and tell me that i'm writing right now. This is true but fortunately for us, it's not my real job. I'm just some oriental engineer who is waiting for other oriental engineers to call him back. And so I'll write about some news story I found in the interim. Press on, Citizen SHoPpers!

excerpt from yahoo! article
NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - In a bleak New Orleans neighborhood still wrecked from Hurricane Katrina, Democrat John Edwards launched a run for the presidency on Thursday with a call to cut U.S. troops in Iraq, restore American leadership in the world and end poverty.

Whoa. I thought it said "In a black New Orleans neighborhood..."

another excerpt from yahoo! article
"We didn't used to be the country of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib. We were the great light for the rest of the world and America needs to be that light again," said Edwards, wearing blue jeans, work boots and an open-neck shirt.

Sort of like a "shining city on hill", perhaps? Sure, we can do that again. Just realize that people didn't like us back then, people don't like us right now. There are gonna be people who don't like us no matter what we say or do, no matter which countries we aid or don't aid, no matter which islamic religions we pander to. Better to take care of our own shit and not give a fuck what these other, unimportant countries say or think about us. Unless of course, they think they can step to our shit. Then we need to remind them.

oh yay. another excerpt from yahoo! article
He also said the United States should join the fight against global warming.

Right. Because we don't do that right now. Wake up, dude. Thought your party was in touch with the common man?

And if I can insert my Berkeley-bolstered, Civil-and-Environmental-Engineering-based, scientific opinion here (And Ignorant Leftists take note, despite my credentials which take a shit on your lack of credentials, it's still an opinion), global warming is still a farce. If you still believe that shit, you deserve to have the Degenerocrats run your lives from their Vultures' Nests in Congress and eventually the White House because God knows you dumbfucks are stupid enough to elect Hiliary.

SixHertz and I believed in global warming, sure. When we were in elementary school. He probably believed in it through the eighth grade, but I stopped before the fifth grade. We grew up. Did you?

And no, I'm not addressing anybody in particular. But that's the fun of reading political rants where I set up a nice straw man only to tear him apart much to the delight of those who agree with me, and to the disdain of those ignorant ones who aren't fortunate enough to agree with me. Heh, there I go again...

more degenerocrat shittiness from the yahoo! article

To drive home his populist message, Edwards opened his campaign in New Orleans' debris-strewn Ninth Ward, which was wiped out in Hurricane Katrina last year and where the storm's mostly poor victims are still struggling to rebuild.

"New Orleans in so many ways shows the two Americas I have talked about in the past," he said. "We need to show that the most powerful nation on the earth won't stand by and let this continue."

Two Americas? Like Chocolate and Vanilla?

And the article is phrased somewhat stupidly. I guess they stopped teaching that "Principles of Antecedents" course in Jernalizm Skool...

So there's this: ...where the storm's mostly poor victims are still struggling to rebuild.

and then ya got this: "We need to show that the most powerful nation on the earth won't stand by and let this continue."

So John Edwards doesn't want the Chocolate people of New Orleans to continue rebuilding?!? NO WAI!

even more degenerocrat shittiness from the yahoo! article
He has proposed work, housing and school measures aimed at lifting millions of Americans out of poverty in the next 10 years, and wants a goal of ending poverty within 30 years.

Didn't Reagan do something like that? Oh yeah, it was called "expanding the middle class".

And why would the degenerocrats want to do this anyway? Make entrepreneurial Republican small business owners who will want to keep more of what they've earned instead of paying for wider, shittier government? That's kind of dangerous. The Degenerocrats should just stick to aborting future democrats in the womb like they're doing right now. They're good at that.

A smaller amount of abortions before 1982 probably would've turned the tide in 2000 for Gore, don'tcha think? But then what would you have complained about, what with nobody having "stolen" the presidency.

But back to Edwards stealing one of Reagan's ideas-- he'd probably fuck that up too. Instead of proposing work, housing, and school measures the better solution would be to cut taxes. You cut taxes, you create jobs. You cut taxes, more people can buy houses. You cut taxes, more parents have school choice.

Or does Choice stop after the baby pops out of the mother? Ask John Edwards. He has the ability to channel them from inside the womb.

enough yahoo! shittiness already!
His roots in the South, where he grew up in North and South Carolina, could be an asset for a party trying to broaden its appeal. The last three Democratic presidents -- Lyndon Johnson of Texas, Jimmy Carter of Georgia and Bill Clinton of Arkansas -- were from the South.

Whatever. So was Al Gore. And we see how well that worked out for him. What a stupid statistic.

And Johnson? OK so he ran a year after JFK's assassination and invoked the name all over his campaign. Of course he's gonna win. He would've won if he was wearing Jackie Kennedy's underwear on the outside.