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Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Democrats Shooting Themselves in the Foot

We know that 90% of the electorate has decided. And barring some miracle or disaster happening, I'm pretty sure those numbers are not going to change. With a statistical dead-heat in this race, the undecided voters will be choosing the next president; not the hard party-liners.

Herein lies the issue: Assuming that numbers will stay roughly the same where they are through the two conventions, and guessing that the scheduled presidential debates are not ground-breakingly won by any one candidate, the undecided will vote for the status quo.

The Democrats have an additional problem: their cockiness. Despite the Kerry camp's failed half-hearted attempt to keep the convention speeches "clean" of the frequent Bush-Bashing, there has not been one America-unifying speech made by any of the convention speakers.  A possible exception was Dereck Obama who gave a very good speech at the DNC.  If the Democrats had more people like Dereck Obama, the Republicans would be in a lot more trouble.

But the fact is, they do not.  I hear nothing from these major Democratic figures except a deep hatred of President Bush.  I see nothing but Democrats preaching a message of division, causing anger and alienating those voters who have thought long and hard and eventually choose George Bush for a second term.  I see former presidents (Jimmy Carter) and key Democratic party members coddling and cheering an America-hating individual named Michael Moore; someone who spits on America's character, its soldiers, and its people whenever he is outside of this country.

You have to give George Bush credit no matter who you are, though.  This man has Grade-A armor plating to have taken the abuse that he has, and I have a deep respect for him because of it.  And if the Democrats aren't careful, there will be more voters out there who decide to cast a vote for GWB as a message for the Democrats, and for that matter, the rest of the world, to go screw themselves.