Monday, February 12, 2007

Dispatches from the Blue State Frontier

I didn't watch the Grammys. That probably stems from the fact that I don't give a fuck about the Grammys. Although I somehow managed to find out that "Weird Al" Yankovic didn't win one. That's the extent of my knowledge.

Here's a bulletin from a friend of mine. Yes, Citizen SHoPpers, he is an actual friend of mine. I don't talk politics with my Leftist friends. They don't even read this blog. Their tolerance-- even for their good friend Jihad Jimmy-- has no room for the SHoP or the Republican Party. Pity.

myspace bulletin from my friend, titled "I love 'Chicks."

I love 'Chicks.

A couple years back, Natalie stood on stage in front of like, 18,000 people and denounced "President" Bush and the backlash that followed from the homophobic, right-wing, Rush Limbaugh worshiping assclowns was almost overwhelming. But yet, my 'Chicks stuck to their guns and told Toby Keith where he could put his opinions on their political dialogue.

Last night, my 'Chicks stuck it up the ass of all those self-serving, war-mongering, racist Republifucks when they won Album of the Year, Record of the Year, Song of the Year and Best Country Album.

Eat that, Conservatives. Put your fuckin' head back in your suburban, beautifully manicured, hilarious and spoon-fed idealism and beliefs.

The people have spoken.

Good buddy of mine. Unfortunately this is the same guy who has forwarded me a link to Loose Change on myspace not once but twice. I was speechless.

As one of the red state republicans here in the office just pointed out, who votes on the Grammys? Here's what wikipedia says...

wikipedia excerpt about the Grammys
Like the Oscars, the Grammys, which currently have 108 categories within more than 20 musical genres of music, are voted upon by peers (voting members of the [National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences]).

Wow. I wonder just who these "voting members" are. Are they everyday Joe Blow Americans? Or are they a select cadre from people in the entertainment industry?

A select cadre, who has: 1) enough political opinion to fill some shitty, feeble attempt at a backlash, but also 2) no way to exert this political opinion save for voting in meaningless awards ceremonies.

Yeah, that sounds about right. The Dixie Chicks won awards because a Left-leaning Academy had to make some political statement, right? Don't even try to wiggle out of it, that's just embarassing. I'd have more respect for you Leftists if you just admitted basic concepts like that. As it is, you don't. And as such, I feel sorry for you and your ignorant ilk.

The people have not spoken. The select cadre has spoken. If you feel that the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences represents the best interests of you or me or your employer or your childrens' education or your religion or your lack thereof, then holy shit you don't deserve the privilege of voting in elections that decide our elected officials or policy. If you are so ignorant and celebrity-deluded that you think the NARAS represents your best path to the American Dream, then you're probably the same person who was completely devastated that Anna Nicole Smith breathed her last slutty breath.

I was just going to leave this post simply as my friend's myspace rant followed by my two-point rebuttal below. But holy shit, you Leftist-ignoramuses out there really did need everything in between spelled out for you. Especially about the bullshit that is Loose Change, so go back and read the maddox article again...

Tio Jaime's rebuttal, from Fort Tio Jaime, Your Red State Outpost in the Blue State Frontier
1) Toby Keith is a registered Democrat.
2) Blue America didn't give a fuck about Country Music until the Dixie Chicks came along. Trust me. The average Northern California Leftist can't name the Dixie Chicks.

I fuckin' hate my Blue State fuck-up neighbors,
Jihad Jimmy, Minister of War Crimes and Chief Defender of the Faith